Role of “Bunga Seroja” group in HIV/AIDS combating
program target in Pasar Kembang, Yogyakarta
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Role of “Bunga Seroja” group in HIV/AIDS combating
program target in Pasar Kembang, Yogyakarta
Thesis Summary
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fulfill part of requirements to obtain Master Degree at Sociology Department,
Faculty of Social and Political Science, Gadjah Mada University
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Soeprapto., S.U.
study used evaluation research method. Program evaluation is descriptive and
analytic. Community program target in this research is HIV/AIDS overcoming
program by female sex worker group “Bunga Seroja” over commercial sex worker
in“Pasar Kembang” community in Yogyakarta. The author used ethnographic method
forcollecting data to observe and evaluation process of the program progress.
The conclusion is that female sex worker group “Bunga Seroja”
play role in HIV/AIDS overcoming program in Pasar Kembang community by
empowering and educating
the community that involve other parties such as Yogyakarta KPA. Culture rationalization occurred. Counseling was
done by involving medical practitioner having professional education through training program will accelerate
rationalization to sexual worker in “Pasar Kembang” community. Action in “Bunga Seroja”
group that previously used substantive rationality action working based on social
solidarity values changed to formal rational action.
from the research is to improve health access reaching through VCT mobile. To increase bargaining position
of “Bunga Seroja” group, repressive action of local security should be minimized. Increase in health
awareness in “Pasar Kembang” community may be done by approach of reaching volunteer selected
from women in “Pasar
Kembang” community. Structural conflict between Yogyakarta KPA and Yogyakarta PKBI on sanction policy strategy
should be solved by involvement and listening to voice of commercial sex worker in “Pasar Kembang”
community that not included
in “Bunga Seroja” group to get advocation right in stakeholder forum. To reduce conflict within administrator of “Bunga
Seroja” group in relation to aid distribution, the fund should not be distributed directly to “Bunga Seroja” group
but entrust it to other social institution having concern to and dependable in HIV/AIDS
Keywords: evaluation - role - “Bunga Seroja” group – overcoming -
HIV/AIDS - Pasar Kembang
1.1 Problem background
Pasar Kembang
community in central tourism resort in Yogyakarta contribute to sexual
transaction business between local or foreign tourist and female sexual workers
that have high risk for HIV/AIDS spread in relation to existence of tourism
area and the community development. In this research, the researcher observed
role of social institution “Bunga Seroja” in implementing HIV/AIDS combating
program in Pasar Kembang Yogyakarta to change health behavior over female
sexual workers considering that free sex service transaction they do have great
chance and have risk for spreading HIV/AIDS in Pasar Kembang community. It is
base for studying Role of “Bunga Seroja” group in HIV/AIDS combating program
target in Pasar Kembang, Yogyakarta.
spreading is terrifying threat that female sexual workers in Pasar Kembang
community should face. The researcher tried to observe and explain role the
“Bunga Seroja” group do in HIV/AIDS combating program in Pasar Kembang
community. Problems in the research are formulated as follow:
1. What is
role of “Bunga Seroja” sexual worker group in HIV/AIDS spread combating program
in Pasar Kembang community in Yogyakarta ?
2. Is there
change awareness and healthy behaviour in combating HIV/AIDS spread after
program from “Bunga Seroja” group in Pasar Kembang community?
1. Theoretical Background
1.1. Role Theory in Symbolic Interactionism
research used George Herbert Mead’s symbolic interactionism theory, a sociology
theory of society development based on importance of individual that is based
on social action interpretation. The theory focus on importance of individual
in acting in a community or society group through social process, analyze
social action that individual do based on experience, perception, understanding
and interpretation over stimulus object or certain situation. Mead has opinion[1]
that people capability to anticipate other response (role taking) is early
process to shape interaction by understanding how people create and define
experience situation.
2. Max Weber’s Social Change Theory
change theory used in society development in this research refers to society
development through process of modern value changing and shaping.[2]
Social change occurs in individual is value, belief, and ideology the
individual get from society. The research used Max Weber’s rationality theory
to analyze social change occurring on individuals in society.
thing that should be considered in all changes in human life is awareness on
the change by involved parties, particularly awareness on results induced by
social process.[3]
Social change relates to individual awareness as part of a process from shift
in norms and values in society life.
is in central of Weber’s substantive sociology. Substantive rationality[4] is
derived from Weber concept on value rationality and refers to human capability
to do value rationality action, while formal rational actions are controlled by
universal regulations.[5]
Max Weber argued that social action as action that can influence other individual
in society in relation to its realization from its social relationship and
interaction. The following is chart of Max Weber thought on rationality types
and mental process in relation to social action:[6]
Table 1. Mastering awareness on reality fragmented
through action regularity.
with action
refference for mental processes
Various abstract process
Pure theoritical value or problems
subordinating reality over value
Source: Stephen Kalberg, p.1161
the above table explain Max Weber’s typology thought on rational action that
influence actions in organization. Actions in organization are influenced by
substantive rationality and formal rationality. Substantive rationality roots
on postulates of value institutionalized in organization. When values
institutionalized in law, and regulations, substantive rationality have changed
to be formal rationality.[7]
Max Weber typology thought explain on substantive rationality change process
toward formal rationality until at end formal rationality can be separate part
from substantive rationality.
research used evaluation research method. Program evaluation is descriptive and
analytical. The descriptive characteristic means that problem solving procedure
is studied by describing research subject/object of individuals, institutions,
society and others based on facts.[8]
This research consider “Bunga Seroja” group as cause or independent variable
(X), while results of program target over commercial sexual worker in Pasar
Kembang community in Sosrowijayan Kulon of Yogyakarta as effect of dependent
variable (Y). The notion is causal model and design in evaluation study should
use it. Finsterbuch and Motz[9]
state four program evaluation types based on conclusive power as follow:
Table 2. Four Evaluation Types
Group Condition Measurement
program after only
group condition
program before after
in target group condition
after only
of target and non target
before after
of program on target group
cited in Wibawa, 1994
In this
research design, analysis used in role and advising “Bunga Seroja” group in
target of HIV/AIDS combating program in Pasar Kembang of Yogyakarta is use
comparative before after with control group design. The comparative before
after type in essence observe, study target group condition before and after
program implementation. Comparison process may be done through control group,
namely sexual worker group that is not handled by “Bunga Seroja” group (in this
case, the control group is handled by Puskesmas Gedong Tengen). Object in this
research is program specific evaluation; problem is limited on analytical unit
in organizational level.
was taken by purposive sampling technique. The sampling took only data from people
know truly on problem studied as key informants from administrator of “Bunga
Seroja” group. Other main informants were some female sexual worker in Pasar
Kembang community. Meanwhile, as cross check to supporting target, the
researcher used snowball sampling technique that determine small sample in
early and become greater gradually. Therefore, amount of data source is
increasingly greater, such as snow rolling. The supporting target was taken
first from informant of society figure in in Pasar Kembang community in
Sosrowijayan Kulon of Yogyakarta. It used ethnography method to collect data.
Ethnography method is“researching a way of life using a variety of qualitative
methods (including secondary sources where appropriate). The technique
originated in anthropology but has been extended and adopted by sociologist to
study variety of social actions.”[10]
was used to collect data because studied object is a community, namely female
sexual worker community “Bunga Seroja” . the method is used to understand life
view of local inhabitant point of view. Ethnographer draw conclusion what
people say, people act, artifact used in participatory observation and in-depth
analysis used descriptive qualitative method with evaluative analytical
type. Researchers used evaluation by observing phenomena on causal picture
that is explained descriptively. Analysis method used in this research is
interactive model, explained by Miles and Huberman. There are three main
matters in interactive analysis: data reduction, data presentation, and
Data was
validated using source triangulation. Triangulation is technique for examining
data validity that used other thing beyond the data for cross checking and
comparing the data.[13]
Source triangulation technique compares and rechecks confidential level of
information obtained with different time and tools in qualitative research.
results and discussion
Role of “Bunga Seroja” group before program evaluation
1.1. Socialization
in HIV/ AIDS combating implementation
Socialization of HIV/AIDS combating in Pasar Kembang community by “Bunga
Seroja” group is done by distributing sticker, KIE, health brochure on HIV/AIDS
risk distributed by reaching volunteer of PKBI in cooperation with “Bunga
Seroja” group once a week. In addition, the group held health counseling on
HIV/AIDS disease danger by speaker from LSM PKBI, Health Office, and KPA and
distributed freely condom from BKKBN, where “Bunga Seroja” group participate in
the distribution of condom to representative of female sexual worker in Pasar
Kembang community that present in sarasehan gathering done once a month
in RW Sosrowijayan Kulon hall.
1.2 Coordination
in HIV/ AIDS combating implementation
Coordination done by “Bunga Seroja” group in combating HIV/AIDS in Pasar
Kembang community is done by creating cooperation with strategic partners such as
PKBI though Griya Lentera clinic that is intense in doing advocation of health
over female sexual worker in Pasar Kembang community. “Bunga Seroja” group make
activity proposal that is helped by PKBI volunteer in doing health event on
HIV/AIDS danger that is directed to institution having concern in health of
inhabitant in Pasar Kembang community.
1.3 Participation
of female sexual worker in implementing HIV/AIDS combating activity
Participation of female sexual worker in implementing activity of dealing
with HIV/AIDS held by “Bunga Seroja” group is slow based on amount of female
sexual workers that are present in the activity. The low participation may only
be seen from their awareness and their assumption that the activity by “Bunga
Seroja” group is not obligatory and there is no supporting factor such as
replacement of transportation cost for participant. The condition result in low
participation of female sexual worker in attending voluntary the activity.
1.4 Monitoring of HIV/AIDS combating activity
Monitoring implementation of HIV/AIDS combating may be seen from
activeness of “Bunga Seroja” group to make cooperation with Griya Lentera
clinic of PKBI Yogyakarta and Puskesmas Gedong Tengen for examination of IMS
and HIV/AIDS through VCT every 3 years in Pasar Kembang community. In addition,
“Bunga Seroja” group also provided information on danger of HIV/AIDS through
brochure, pamphlet and training of condom usage negotiation on female sexual
workers in Pasar Kembang community.
Role of “Bunga Seroja” Group After Program Evaluation
in HIV/AIDS combating
In socialization of HIV/AIDS combating activity “Bunga Seroja” group
should play active role in doing the socialization. It can be seen with
requirement for “Bunga Seroja” group to involve directly in field. Job that was
previously done by reaching volunteer, not is task and obligation of “Bunga
Seroja” group to do their selves making socialization of HIV/AIDS combating
activity such as pamphlet distribution, brochure, sticker, free condom “Sutera”
from KPA and not use BKKBN condom once a week, training condom negotiation for
female sexual workers in Pasar Kembang community once three months and inviting
women around Pasar Kembang community to follow periodic presumptive medication
held by Puskesmas Gedong Tengen once in three months.
2.2. Coordination
in implementation of HIV/AIDS combating activity
of HIV/AIDS combating activity in Pasar Kembang community was done by making
coordination with kampong administrator before the activity was done. “Bunga
Seroja” group is more intensive in coordinating with Yogyakarta KPA in relation
to HIV/AIDS combating program evaluation in Pasar Kembang community that is
governmental program facilitated by Yogyakarta KPA. In addition, “Bunga Seroja”
group should coordinate with strategic partner network such as Yogyakarta PKBI
and Puskesmas Gedong Tengen in free VCT examination for female sexual worker in
Pasar Kembang community.
2.3. Participation
of female sexual worker in implementing HIV/AIDS combating activity
Participation of female sexual worker in implementing HIV/AIDS combating
activity in Pasar Kembang community after HIV/AIDS combating program evaluation
facilitated by Yogyakarta KPA for “Bunga Seroja” group is low. Awareness of
female sexual worker on importance of health is considered insufficient by
parties in the network due to their low participation in following activity of
HIV/AIDS combating activity done by “Bunga Seroja” group and networks as
stakeholders in Pasar Kembang community.
2.4. Monitoring
of HIV/AIDS combating program implementation
of HIV/AIDS combating program implementation in Pasar Kembang community was
conducted by making cooperation with stakeholder network such as Yogyakarta
PKBI, Puskesmas Gedong Tengen, Puskesmas Umbulharjo, and Yogyakarta KPA.
Monitoring activity was realized by establishment five outlets selling condom
“Sutera” as aid from Yogyakarta KPA in cooperation with Yogyakarta PKBI around
Pasar Kembang community.
Result of comparison with control group
Comparison with control group
HIV/AIDS combating in House “C” community is
done in coordination with Puskesmas Gedong Tengen. Employer in House “C”
community has initiative in examining health of female sexual workers working
with her. The health examination was VCT examination done once in three months
and IMS examination once a week, and sometime once a month depending on health
awareness of each female sexual worker in House “C” community. Role of security
guard the employer use in House “C” community is strong in forcing condom
Recommendation from the research is to
improve health access reaching through VCT mobile. To increase bargaining position
of “Bunga Seroja” group, repressive action of local security should be minimized.
Increase in health awareness in “Pasar Kembang” community may be done by approach of
reaching volunteer selected from women in “Pasar Kembang” community. Structural
conflict between Yogyakarta KPA and Yogyakarta PKBI on sanction policy strategy
should be solved by involvement and listening to voice of commercial sex worker
in “Pasar Kembang” community that not included in “Bunga Seroja” group to get
advocation right in stakeholder forum. To reduce conflict within administrator of “Bunga
Seroja” group in relation to aid distribution, the fund should not be distributed directly to
“Bunga Seroja” group but entrust it to other social institution having concern to and
dependable in HIV/AIDS overcoming.
Based on
discussion and description on previous chapter, some conclusion can be drawn as
Empowerment through education process done continuously
by “Bunga Seroja” group.
Substantive rationality that work freely based on
social solidarity values has shifted to formal rational action.
Commitment of condom usage in female sexual worker is
limited on abiding by the rule enforced by local security to female sexual
worker living in Pasar Kembang community complex and not from their full
Conflict between Yogyakarta KPA and LSM PKBI has
obstacle in formulating sanction for condom usage policy for female sexual
worker in HIV/AIDS combating program evaluation in Pasar Kembang community.
Comparison done through control group Approach through
security guard by House “C” community is powerful to pressure guest obedience
in condom usage.
Accessible health service through mobile VCT should be
Reaching volunteer should be re-established from
female sexual worker in Pasar Kembang community that have got health training
that are ready to work in Pasar Kembang community.
Repressive approach used by local security in
implementing HIV/AIDS combating program should be minimized.
Conflict between Yogyakarta KPA and Yogyakarta PKBI on
sanction should be able to solve by involving and listening voice of female
sexual worker in Pasar Kembang community
To reduce conflict within “Bunga Seroja” group
administrator in relation to fund aid distribution, the fund should not be
distributed directly to “Bunga Seroja” group but trusted in social institution
having concern in HIV/AIDS.
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Assalamu Alaikum wr-wb, perkenalkan nama saya ibu Rosnida zainab asal Kalimantan Timur, saya ingin mempublikasikan KISAH KESUKSESAN saya menjadi seorang PNS. saya ingin berbagi kesuksesan keseluruh pegawai honorer di instansi pemerintahan manapun, saya mengabdikan diri sebagai guru disebuah desa terpencil, dan disini daerah tempat saya mengajar hanya dialiri listrik tenaga surya, saya melakukan ini demi kepentingan anak murid saya yang ingin menggapai cita-cita, Sudah 9 tahun saya jadi tenaga honor belum diangkat jadi PNS Bahkan saya sudah 4 kali mengikuti ujian, dan membayar 70 jt namun hailnya nol uang pun tidak kembali, bahkan saya sempat putus asah, pada suatu hari sekolah tempat saya mengajar mendapat tamu istimewa dari salah seorang pejabat tinggi dari kantor BKN pusat karena saya sendiri mendapat penghargaan pengawai honorer teladan, disinilah awal perkenalan saya dengan beliau, dan secara kebetulan beliau menitipkan nomor hp pribadinya dan 3 bln kemudian saya pun coba menghubungi beliau dan beliau menyuruh saya mengirim berkas saya melalui email, Satu minggu kemudian saya sudah ada panggilan ke jakarta untuk ujian, alhamdulillah berkat bantuan beliau saya pun bisa lulus dan SK saya akhirnya bisa keluar,dan saya sangat berterimah kasih ke pada beliau dan sudah mau membantu saya, itu adalah kisah nyata dari saya, jika anda ingin seperti saya, anda bisa Hubungi Bpk Drs Tauhid SH Msi No Hp 0853-1144-2258. siapa tau beliau masih bisa membantu anda, Wassalamu Alaikum Wr Wr ..